#!/bin/bash DEFAULT_VH_ROOT='/var/www/vhosts' VH_DOC_ROOT='' VHNAME='' APP_NAME='' DOMAIN='' WWW_UID='' WWW_GID='' WP_CONST_CONF='' PUB_IP=$(curl -s http://checkip.amazonaws.com) DB_HOST='mysql' PLUGINLIST="litespeed-cache.zip" THEME='twentytwenty' EPACE=' ' echow(){ FLAG=${1} shift echo -e "\033[1m${EPACE}${FLAG}\033[0m${@}" } help_message(){ echo -e "\033[1mOPTIONS\033[0m" echow '-A, -app [wordpress] -D, --domain [DOMAIN_NAME]' echo "${EPACE}${EPACE}Example: appinstallctl.sh --app wordpress --domain example.com" echow '-H, --help' echo "${EPACE}${EPACE}Display help and exit." exit 0 } check_input(){ if [ -z "${1}" ]; then help_message exit 1 fi } linechange(){ LINENUM=$(grep -n "${1}" ${2} | cut -d: -f 1) if [ -n "${LINENUM}" ] && [ "${LINENUM}" -eq "${LINENUM}" ] 2>/dev/null; then sed -i "${LINENUM}d" ${2} sed -i "${LINENUM}i${3}" ${2} fi } ck_ed(){ if [ ! -f /bin/ed ]; then echo "Install ed package.." apt-get install ed -y > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } ck_unzip(){ if [ ! -f /usr/bin/unzip ]; then echo "Install unzip package.." apt-get install unzip -y > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } get_owner(){ WWW_UID=$(stat -c "%u" ${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}) WWW_GID=$(stat -c "%g" ${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}) if [ ${WWW_UID} -eq 0 ] || [ ${WWW_GID} -eq 0 ]; then WWW_UID=1000 WWW_GID=1000 echo "Set owner to ${WWW_UID}" fi } get_db_pass(){ if [ -f ${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${1}/.db_pass ]; then SQL_DB=$(grep -i Database ${VH_ROOT}/.db_pass | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') SQL_USER=$(grep -i Username ${VH_ROOT}/.db_pass | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') SQL_PASS=$(grep -i Password ${VH_ROOT}/.db_pass | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d '"') else echo 'db pass file can not locate, skip wp-config pre-config.' fi } set_vh_docroot(){ if [ "${VHNAME}" != '' ]; then VH_ROOT="${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${VHNAME}" VH_DOC_ROOT="${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${VHNAME}/html" WP_CONST_CONF="${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/data/const.default.ini" elif [ -d ${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${1}/html ]; then VH_ROOT="${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${1}" VH_DOC_ROOT="${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${1}/html" WP_CONST_CONF="${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/data/const.default.ini" else echo "${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${1}/html does not exist, please add domain first! Abort!" exit 1 fi } check_sql_native(){ local COUNTER=0 local LIMIT_NUM=100 until [ "$(curl -v mysql:3306 2>&1 | grep native)" ]; do echo "Counter: ${COUNTER}/${LIMIT_NUM}" COUNTER=$((COUNTER+1)) if [ ${COUNTER} = 10 ]; then echo '--- MySQL is starting, please wait... ---' elif [ ${COUNTER} = ${LIMIT_NUM} ]; then echo '--- MySQL is timeout, exit! ---' exit 1 fi sleep 1 done } install_wp_plugin(){ for PLUGIN in ${PLUGINLIST}; do wget -q -P ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/plugins/ https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/${PLUGIN} if [ ${?} = 0 ]; then ck_unzip unzip -qq -o ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/plugins/${PLUGIN} -d ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/plugins/ else echo "${PLUGINLIST} FAILED to download" fi done rm -f ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/plugins/*.zip } set_htaccess(){ if [ ! -f ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/.htaccess ]; then touch ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/.htaccess fi cat << EOM > ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/.htaccess # BEGIN WordPress RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] # END WordPress EOM } set_lscache(){ cat << EOM > "${WP_CONST_CONF}" ; This is the default LSCWP configuration file ; All keys and values please refer const.cls.php ; Here just list some examples ; Comments start with \`;\` ; OPID_PURGE_ON_UPGRADE purge_upgrade = true ; OPID_CACHE_PRIV cache_priv = true ; OPID_CACHE_COMMENTER cache_commenter = true ;Object_Cache_Enable cache_object = true ; OPID_CACHE_OBJECT_HOST ;cache_object_host = 'localhost' cache_object_host = '/var/www/memcached.sock' ; OPID_CACHE_OBJECT_PORT ;cache_object_port = '11211' cache_object_port = '' auto_upgrade = true ; OPID_CACHE_BROWSER_TTL cache_browser_ttl = 2592000 ; OPID_PUBLIC_TTL public_ttl = 604800 ; ------------------------------CDN Mapping Example BEGIN------------------------------- ; Need to add the section mark \`[litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping]\` before list ; ; NOTE 1) Need to set all child options to make all resources to be replaced without missing ; NOTE 2) \`url[n]\` option must have to enable the row setting of \`n\` ; ; To enable the 2nd mapping record by default, please remove the \`;;\` in the related lines [litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping] url[0] = '' inc_js[0] = true inc_css[0] = true inc_img[0] = true filetype[0] = '.aac .css .eot .gif .jpeg .js .jpg .less .mp3 .mp4 .ogg .otf .pdf .png .svg .ttf .woff' ;;url[1] = 'https://2nd_CDN_url.com/' ;;filetype[1] = '.webm' ; ------------------------------CDN Mapping Example END------------------------------- EOM if [ ! -f ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/themes/${THEME}/functions.php.bk ]; then cp ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/themes/${THEME}/functions.php ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/themes/${THEME}/functions.php.bk ck_ed ed ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-content/themes/${THEME}/functions.php << END >>/dev/null 2>&1 2i require_once( WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/../wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); \$path = 'litespeed-cache/litespeed-cache.php' ; if (!is_plugin_active( \$path )) { activate_plugin( \$path ) ; rename( __FILE__ . '.bk', __FILE__ ); } . w q END fi } preinstall_wordpress(){ if [ "${VHNAME}" != '' ]; then get_db_pass ${VHNAME} else get_db_pass ${DOMAIN} fi if [ ! -f ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php ] && [ -f ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config-sample.php ]; then cp ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config-sample.php ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php NEWDBPWD="define('DB_PASSWORD', '${SQL_PASS}');" linechange 'DB_PASSWORD' ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php "${NEWDBPWD}" NEWDBPWD="define('DB_USER', '${SQL_USER}');" linechange 'DB_USER' ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php "${NEWDBPWD}" NEWDBPWD="define('DB_NAME', '${SQL_DB}');" linechange 'DB_NAME' ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php "${NEWDBPWD}" #NEWDBPWD="define('DB_HOST', '${PUB_IP}');" NEWDBPWD="define('DB_HOST', '${DB_HOST}');" linechange 'DB_HOST' ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php "${NEWDBPWD}" elif [ -f ${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php ]; then echo "${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php already exist, exit !" exit 1 else echo 'Skip!' exit 2 fi } app_wordpress_dl(){ if [ ! -f "${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config.php" ] && [ ! -f "${VH_DOC_ROOT}/wp-config-sample.php" ]; then wp core download \ --allow-root \ --quiet else echo 'wordpress already exist, abort!' exit 1 fi } change_owner(){ if [ "${VHNAME}" != '' ]; then chown -R ${WWW_UID}:${WWW_GID} ${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${VHNAME} else chown -R ${WWW_UID}:${WWW_GID} ${DEFAULT_VH_ROOT}/${DOMAIN} fi } main(){ set_vh_docroot ${DOMAIN} get_owner cd ${VH_DOC_ROOT} if [ "${APP_NAME}" = 'wordpress' ] || [ "${APP_NAME}" = 'wp' ]; then check_sql_native app_wordpress_dl preinstall_wordpress install_wp_plugin set_htaccess set_lscache change_owner exit 0 else echo "APP: ${APP_NAME} not support, exit!" exit 1 fi } check_input ${1} while [ ! -z "${1}" ]; do case ${1} in -[hH] | -help | --help) help_message ;; -[aA] | -app | --app) shift check_input "${1}" APP_NAME="${1}" ;; -[dD] | -domain | --domain) shift check_input "${1}" DOMAIN="${1}" ;; -vhname | --vhname) shift VHNAME="${1}" ;; *) help_message ;; esac shift done main