#!/usr/bin/env bash source .env DEMO_VH='localhost' APP_NAME='wordpress' DEMO_PATH="/var/www/${DEMO_VH}" help_message(){ echo 'Command [-domain]' echo 'Script will get database password and wordpress password from .env file and install the demo wordpress site for you' } check_input(){ if [ -z "${1}" ]; then help_message exit 1 fi } run_database(){ bash bin/database.sh -domain ${DEMO_VH} -user ${MYSQL_USER} -password ${MYSQL_PASSWORD} -database ${MYSQL_DATABASE} } app_download(){ docker-compose exec litespeed su -c "appinstallctl.sh -app ${1} -domain ${2} -vhname localhost" } main(){ run_database app_download ${APP_NAME} ${DOMAIN} } while [ ! -z "${1}" ]; do case ${1} in -[hH] | -help | --help) help_message ;; *) help_message ;; esac shift done main